Dora Hall... "Enjoy the experience"

Dora Hall loves to sing. It's as plain and simple as all that and there are a lot of people who love to listen to her. She gives us the music that has always made Americans, and for that matter, people everywhere feel happy and just perhaps a bit brighter for the listening. What can you say about Dora Hall? You could say that she's one of the rare ones, an entertainer whose star would shine bright whenever she took the stage. You could say she's got the magic gift of making people happy; if ever there was a time when that gift was needed, it's today. You could say that she's an entertainer for all seasons, a star whose captivating charm reaches parents and children alike. You could say she's the star of a scintillating, sparkling new television special, ONCE UPON A TOUR, and you could say that her talents, along with her guests, Phil Harris, Frank Sinatra, Jr., Oliver, Rich Little, Ben Blue, and Rosey Grier, light up the little screen in a way that's impossible to forget. You could say that she'll soon be on many other shows, and you'd undoubtedly be right. But, in the end, there's only one thing to say about Dora Hall, and here it is: LISTEN!

The Solo Cup Company, located in Urbana, Illinois, is quite possibly the world's leading manufacturer of plastic cups and plates. In fact, it is likely that if at any given time all the Solo cups in use were to suddenly disappear, literally millions of innocent folks would find themselves with a lapful of liquid. Fortunately, the cups are quite sturdy, and any cup-disappearing scenario must be considered pure fiction.

In addition to making plastic into cups, for at least 20 years Solo has also been making plastic into phonograph records, namely the records of Miss Dora Hall. Dora is an unforgettable entertainer. She is an elderly woman who loves to dress up in hobo's clothing, or in a bright plaid suit and tie, and sing the songs of yesteryear (as well as '60s hits like "Satisfaction" and "Daydream"). Initially you may be repelled by Dora's very special presence and her magical voice. But don't worry, it will grow on you. As evidence, we present several quotes about Dora Hall, taken from the many album covers she has issued, which should help clue you in as to her extreme talent. Solo, in what must be considered the greatest act of corporate generosity of all time, gives the records, tapes, and videocassettes of Dora Hall away, just for sending in a proot-of-purchase. (You need two p.o.p.'s to get the videos). Run down to your local store and pick yourself up a package (yes! now!). Send in those p.o.p.'s. Get yourself the "Once Upon A Tour video or LP and you are in for a treat. Dora is joined by Frank Sinatra Jr. Oliver, Phil Harris, Rosey Grier, and Rich Utile in a 1-hour special that is out of this world. 

A pair of female twins dressed m yellow lingerie dance in a yellow room with balloons while Dora and the gang sing a medley of songs with "street" in their titles. ™' performs "Six Days On The Road" in front of a grainy old Drivers Education film. Rich Little sings "Rocky Raccoon. Frank Sinatra Jr. does a cute little hop while performing Happy Together. Dora puts on a glitzy men's suit and sings an old show tune in front of a weird psychedelic backdrop (it looks like the inside of a defective kaleidoscope). Oliver sings "I Can Remember “ while women sitting on race cars flare their nostrils occasionally interrupted by stock footage of a drag race. You must see this film! When ordering, be sure and mention that you want the full 1 – hour  version, as Solo has been known to sometimes send out an edited, 30-minute version that lacks many of the key scenes.

And after this introduction, you'll soon be hooked, buying plastic cups daily to complete your collection of Dora Hall LPs and videotapes. (If only the cups were biodegradable, it would be the ultimate purchase.) Solo has also begun offering, in addition to their Dora Hall titles, stuff by Puck Springfield, Hall and Oates (that's Daryl Hall, not Dora), and even Elvis Presley. But before you try your luck with these inferior titles, you'll want to collect Dora's 12 LPs and 7 videotapes. Recommended for beginners: the "Once Upon A Tour" soundtrack, "Travelin’  with Dora Hall," "Dora Hall Sings Swing Jazz," and the soundtrack to "Dora's World," a sadly semi-autobiographical TV special featuring a track called "Poor Dora".From the book "Enjoy The Experience – Homemade Records 1958-1992".

Taste :  

 Dora Hall - These Boots Are Made For Walkin

By Electric Looser
