Colosseum – Valentyne Suite 1969 (Vertigo)
Value :
A strong album from Dave Greenslade’s first band cements Dave’s position as the jazz-rock Keith Emerson: Greenslade’s organ playing has all the flair and aggression of Emerson, but has far less classical influence and takes far more from the jazz side of things. The band as a whole does a good enough job, with a side of short songs that resemble the sort of material Cream might have released if they had a hot organist and a bit more fusion influence, and the epic Valentyne Suite itself, a true keyboard tour de force for Greenslade. Not the best album that the Vertigo label would release, but a very fine one nonetheless, and an excellent start for a wonderful home for progressive music.
Colosseum - The Kettle
Colosseum - Butty's Blues
Colosseum - The Machine Demands A Sacrifice
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By Electric Looser