Top 10 Records Worth $1000 Or More That Can Be Found At Yard Sales

10. The Supremes: Meet The Supremes LP
  • Mighty John tells us Motown is very collectable, and if you find The Supremes’ first album, Meet The Supremes, it can very easily be worth $1,000.
9. Jimi Hendrix: Axis: Bold As Love LP
  • If you find the mono copy of this album, it can be worth around $2,000.
8. Lynyrd Skynyrd: “Michelle” 45″
  • The very first 45 these Southern rockers put out was called “Michelle” and just the 45 without the picture sleeve currently goes up to $2,000.
7. The Beatles: “Can’t Buy Me Love” 45″
  • You do need the picture sleeve for this one. The Beatles’ “Can’t Buy Me Love” goes up to $2,500.
6. The Byrds: “The Times They Are A Changin’” 45″
  • Look for The Byrds’ 45″ “The Times They Are A Changin’” with the picture sleeve that could score you up to $2,500.
5. Bruce Springsteen: “Spirit In The Night” 45″
  • The Boss’ first 45″ on Columbia Records titled “Spirit In The Night” goes for a whopping $5,000.
4. The Caine Mutiny soundtrack
  • Soundtracks are also prized finds, and if you have the RCA soundtrack from Humphrey Bogart’s 1954 WWII film The Caine Mutiny, it could be worth up to $10,000!
3. Elvis Presley: Elvis’ Christmas Album LP
  • The King’s very first of two Christmas albums released in 1957 features a specialty red vinyl record and can be worth up to $18,000.
2. The Rolling Stones: “Street Fighting Man” 45″
  • The 45 with the picture sleeve for The Rolling Stones’ “Street Fighting Man” can be worth up to $18,000.
1. Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan LP
If you have a copy of Bob Dylan’s 1963 album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, take a look at the tracks and see if yours has the song “Talkin’ John Birch Society Blues.” If so, then that record could be worth up to $20,000. By Britt Bickell, K-EARTH Los Angeles

By Electric Looser 
