Label :
United Artists Records
Value :
The Music for
'Phaedra' began with the song 'Agapi Mou' (My Love). I had gone to meet
Melina Mercouri for the first time at her home on Academias Street.
Anthony Perkins was also there. Melina said to me: 'This handsome man
here plays my son in the film, that is, the son of my husband, Aegeas.
And I am supposed to fall madly in love with him. That's why I want you
compose the msot romantic, but also the most passionate, song about
love'. Afterwards I went to watch the shooting on the island of Hydra
and experienced the atmosphere of the film at first hand. My next trip
was to Paris, which was also my home, and there I watched the film over
and over with Dassin. I then began to compose the music, at the same
time rehearsing with Melina. I think that it was she who chose to sing
'Rodostamo', because she liked it very much. The studio was in the
western suburbs and I still remember those early morning drives made
difficult by a heavy winter, unusual for Paris.

I had a large symphony
orchestra, a pianist and a Latin American band. I conducted while
warching the scenes on a giant screen. I remember that during the
famous love scene in front of the fireplace, Dassin wanted a romantic
accelerando. As I saw that he was really inspired, I sugegsted that he
conduct, while I sat at the piano. ~ Mikis Theodorakis
One very
happy memory I have the filming of 'Phaedra' was the moment that Mikis
Theodorakis suggested that most of the music for the film should be
played by just two guitars. It was a wonderful idea. Then, as a gift,
he wrote that beautiful song: 'Agapi mou'. ~ Jules Dassin
Taste :
Mikis Theodorakis - Rendezvous
Mikis Theodorakis - The Fling
Mikis Theodorakis - Candlelight
By Electric Looser