Akira Ishikawa - Back To Rhythm 1975 (Columpia)

Label : Columpia

Value :

Heavy funk from a hip Japanese combo -- one that features lots of drums and percussion from leader Akira Ishikawa, plus plenty of guitar, keyboards, and hard-riffing horns! Akira's taking most of his cues here from American funk of the early 70s -- work by Incredible Bongo Band, BT Express, and others -- but he often serves up the music with a fair bit of conga work at the front of the arrangements, in a way that takes familiar tunes and gives them a much rootsier, earthier kind of groove! The approach is unique, but totally great -- and the album's a funk album unlike anything else we can think of -- quite unusual even for the experimental Japanese scene of the time. 

Taste :

Akira Ishikawa - Love Is The Answer

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By Electric Looser


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