Harold Johnson Sextet – House On Elm Street 1967 (H.M.E)

Label : H.M.E

Value :

On this killer album, cut in 1967 for the independent west coast label Revue, the Harold Johnson Sextet has actually eight musicians. But the core band is formed by Harold Johnson on piano, Jimmy Nash on bass, Ronald Rutledge on drums and Billy Jackson on congas. The four reedsmen show up occasionally, but place accents where needed. Especially flautist David Crawford. This discovery is a real treat!

Incredibly consistent soul jazz LP that just grooves all the way through. Had me scrambling to find their first LP as well which is as good as this. Elements of the Blue Note label’s sound of the period can be heard on this as well….the ones that had the hip hop folks scrambling for samples. But the title track especially, along with 3-4 others will stick in your head and beg repeated listenings.

Taste :

Harold Johnson Sextet – House On Elm Street (full album)

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By Electric Looser


Ο χρήστης rev.b είπε…
I've never seen this before. Thank you for this rare album.

Δεν το έχω ξαναδεί αυτό. Σας ευχαριστώ για αυτό το σπάνιο άλμπουμ.
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Thank you!