Dom Salvador e Abolicao ‎– Som, Sangue E Raça 1971 (CBS)

Label : CBS

Value :

A landmark album of Brazilian funk – the record that set the tone for so many others to follow – and which can easily stand head to head with the best American funk of the time as well! The group's headed by Brazilian pianist Dom Salvador – who you'll know from 60s bossa nova material and straighter jazz sounds – but here, Dom's got this heavy-hitting left hand approach –which is a perfect balance to the funky combo Abolicao – who play with this rich sound that's an equal balance of jazz, funk, and Brazilian music influences. The record's a great precursor to later Brazilian funk albums – like those by Banda Black Rio or Unaio Black – but the influence of Salvador's piano gives the record a jazzier edge, one that mixes extremely well with the wide range of percussion on the set.

Tasde :

Dom Salvador e Abolicao ‎–  Hei! Voce

Dom Salvador e Abolicao ‎– Uma Vida

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By Electric Looser
