Roland Vincent - Delphine 1969 (Barclay)

Label : Barclay

Value: From 120 to 180 euros

Wonderful and very rare soundtrack EP by famous French arranger Roland Vincent. Includes the organ madness "L.S.D. partie", a freaked out cult track with an explicit title. "Embouteillage" deserves a mention, as it is a groovy jazz tune with nice vocal interplay. Very nice pop cover, too ! 

Taste :

Roland Vincent - L.s.d. Partie

Download 45 (Ep)

By Electric Looser


Ο χρήστης Ανώνυμος είπε…
thanks! curious about the movie never saw it.
Ο χρήστης Electric Looser είπε…
check 2 samples from the's not something special but... it's ok.