Orchestra Baobab ‎– Kelen Ati Leen / Souleymane 2015 (Mr Bongo)

Label : Mr. Bongo

Value :

Hard riffing African funk! "Kelen Ati Len" may well be the tightest tune we've ever heard from Orchestra Baobab – a really heavy-hitting number that snaps along with the energy of the best American funky 45s of the time, but which also has some wonderful chanted vocals! "Souleymane" is a bit more conventional, but still pretty great too – with this chugging groove that has the reed lines woven way down into the rhythms!By Dusty

Taste :

Orchestra Baobab ‎– Kelen Ati Leen

Orchestra Baobab ‎– Souleymane

Download 45

By Electric Looser
