Piotr Figiel ‎- Piotr 1971 (Pronit)

Label : Pronit

Value :

Polish composer, arranger, vocalist and keyboardist Piotr FIGIEL (1940.04.13 - 2011.12.22) is probably best known for composing music for other artists, movies, TV, radio and theatrical plays. But in the 1960's he was an active musician himself, and toured Scandinavia with The Clivers. Later he would concentrate on studio work, as a collaborator with other artists in one capacity or another or for recording material for a wide variety of purposes.

Figiel also recorded and released a couple of solo albums: Piotr in 1971 (also known as Organ Hammondy) and Music in 1976. Of these two productions it's the former that will be of interest to fans of progressive rock, especially if you have a soft touch for jazzrock and fusion. The latter appears to be more of a purebred pop production, and from some descriptions apparently more of a compilation in spirit, but issued under Figiel's name. .

Taste :

Piotr Figiel - Prelude in e Minor

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By Electric Looser


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