Piero Umiliani with Gato Barbieri - Una Bella Grinta 1968 (Cam)

Label : Cam/Cinedelic

Value :

An amazing set of modern jazz – penned by Italian film composer Piero Umiliani, but also played by a very hip group headed by a young Gato Barbieri! Although Gato's probably best known for his late 60s appearances on the American scene, and his 70s dates for Impulse and Flying Dutchman – his earlier work in Italy is all pretty darn great, and this set shows the budding modernist to be in very strong company with a lineup that includes Enrico Rava on trumpet and Franco D'Andrea on piano, plus bass and drums. Side one of the record features full orchestrations by Umiliani – still plenty jazzy, with some great horn passages and cool use of vibes. Then side two features Umiliani's music played by the small group with Gato in the lead – a really great mix of modes that make the soundtrack a real standout, both in the Italian jazz and film scenes of the 60s.

Taste :

Piero Umiliani with Gato Barbieri - Una Bella Grinta

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By Electric Looser
