Rob - Rob 1977 (Essiebons)
Label : Essiebons
Value :
The funky Rob way is a massive one at that – a new path into Afro Funk modes for the 70s, with a groove that's made this set a collectors classic for decades! The group is tighter than most, yet more skittish too – percussion rattling alongside basslines that have these echoey qualities that go deep and dark, but with more of a soul-based style than some of the psych-influence work from Zimbabwe and other scenes of the time! Spare electronic bits come into play with the keyboards, guitar, drums, and bass – but at a level that's never overdone – just enough to keep things slightly offbeat and unsettling, while Rob himself grooves away in the lead! It's almost impossible to describe in words what makes this set so unique – but one drop of the needle will have you hooked for life – thanks to cuts that include "Funky Rob Way", "Forgive Us All", "Boogie On", "Just One More Time", "More", and "Your Kiss Stole Me Away". By dustygroove
Taste :
Rob - Boogie On
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By Electric Looser