Edip Akbayram & Dostlar ‎– Ince Ince Bir Kar Yağar/Dağlar Dağladı Beni 1974 (Sayan)

Label : Sayan

Value :

Edip Akbayram’s a frail guy who spent his childhood unable to walk, but once he grew up he was on Istanbul TV in a whitey-fro and knee length colored robes. Akbayram’s voice is big & open, and it took him all across Turkey at the height of Anatolian psychedelia.By Vea

Taste :

Edip Akbayram & Dostlar - Dağlar Dağladı Beni

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By Electric Looser


Ο χρήστης Salaok είπε…
poly kalooo !!!
Ο χρήστης Electric Looser είπε…
χαχα θενξ Salaok.